
This site is not just for those who have children with Cerebral Palsy but those who have, know, or who are disabled people. This sites intention is to help those who dont know, and for those who do to help others. I want this page to be a ongoing learning experience where we can share our experience and help eachother. As a special mom its hard not knowing and not having people to relate to. I hope this will provide comfort somewhere to as many people as possible. Please share and comment as much as you would like!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pool Physio

Kale has just very recently gotten the opportunity to start pool Physio. Kale used to get overstimulated way to much to be able to do something like this, so we are just starting now at 16months. Kale LOVES it and I do too! We go to our local hospitals therapy pool for now which I think is great. The temperature is soo warm, its a private therapy session which is great for Kale to get used to something new without getting over stimulated.

Physio is a way we can help Kale . Physio can help us stretch Kale's muscles and encourage movement , with pool physio the water helps to not only relax his muscles but also help create a weightless environment to encourage movement. I'm sure there is many other reasons to do this therapy but my favorite reason is that it is a great way to bond with Kale and provide a different experience for him!

I wanted to post a video on here but it is not uploading, sorry! That's why I haven't been posting in a while I was trying to figure that out. So I hope the pictures are OK. In the pictures are Kale and 2 Physios. What a lucky boy to receive so much attention.

With children like Kale early intervention like Physio therapy, speech therapy, and other forms of therapy are used to help there development along. We do physio with Kale all day through daily activities such as making his legs move like a bicycle during diaper changes, or just playing patty cake. The idea is to help Kale possibly develop some natural movement, give him comfort, and to help him have fun a grow developmentally. I am going to be taking pictures at his seating clinic, and at his daycare of him in his equipment and him enjoying it too.....I hope!!!


  1. Hey love your blog! When i finally get Alistair grasping more readily I will have to go buy some of those crayons! I've linked Kales blog to Alistairs so I will be checking it out regularly! Cheers Julie PS I love our pool time : D

  2. Get ready for more pool time i will be back soon..mind you i hear it is pretty cold back home!!!!!!
    Great job on the blog!!!
    Give Kale a cuddle for me ..see you soon
    Lynn :)
