
This site is not just for those who have children with Cerebral Palsy but those who have, know, or who are disabled people. This sites intention is to help those who dont know, and for those who do to help others. I want this page to be a ongoing learning experience where we can share our experience and help eachother. As a special mom its hard not knowing and not having people to relate to. I hope this will provide comfort somewhere to as many people as possible. Please share and comment as much as you would like!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A side note

Sorry I havnt written, there has been power outages, and my modem broke down for a week, plus my husband came home for 5 days from work. My husband works out of town so when he is back Kale and I spend as much time with him as we can!!

Anyway I got a request to write about A day in the life of Kale, so I will be posting that one tomorrow and for next week I will be posting about Cortical Visual Impairments in babies, following that I will post about our trip to Vancouver, Pictures and all!!!! Im excited I hope you are!!