
This site is not just for those who have children with Cerebral Palsy but those who have, know, or who are disabled people. This sites intention is to help those who dont know, and for those who do to help others. I want this page to be a ongoing learning experience where we can share our experience and help eachother. As a special mom its hard not knowing and not having people to relate to. I hope this will provide comfort somewhere to as many people as possible. Please share and comment as much as you would like!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Since Kale was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy moderate to severe we have been abe to apply for benifits through our government. Kale receives a disability benefit that will pay monthly, and respite money as a part of the At Home Program. If we show the City that we have made improvemnts to our house to make it handicapp accessable over 2500$ we can also apply for a property tax grant to decrease our property taxes significantly. Kale has also got us a new driveway, sidewalk and ramp by applying through the Giving in Action Society in British Columbia.

The At Home Program assists parents with some of the extraordinary costs of caring for a child with severe disabilities at home through a range of health supports and services. It provides assistance in two main areas:
Respite Benefits allow parents to choose appropriate care options for their child and family.
Medical Benefits provide a range of basic, essential medical items and services.

Not all children who apply will qualify and not all who qualify will get both benifits. Depending on the severity and your childs need you may qualify for the respite benifits. Kale qualifies for both. This program will be with him for the rest of his life.

The at home program pays for our transportation to and from medical appointments for him that are not in our city. The at home program has also assisted in helping pay for the equiptment he has. Of course there are limits to how much they pay.

I will be writing more on the benifits and in more detail tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by!!!