I don't use this exact seat but something like it to help me grocery shop. When you by yourself it is a struggle to get a baby in a grocery cart if they don't have great trunk control ( abdominal). Bringing your stroller to the grocery store and pushing a grocery cart is near impossible, and when they are too be for an infant car seat putting the car seat in the cart isn't an option. This seat enables your child to sit up straight which help with visual development as well as muscle development, and just helps in general. I cried the first time I saw Kale in a grocery cart. He looked " normal " . Kale was just a little over 1 year old the first time he sat in a grocery cart! To view this seat on its website click here.
I haven't gotten a standing frame yet, but I am going to a seating clinic here in a couple weeks where the seating team will be fitting him for a stander like this one. Again it may not be this exact one , but you can get the idea. This stander helps promote proper standing in a child who like Kale likes to arch and just doesn't have the strength to stand in this position. Kale LOVES standing though. A stander like this would help kale to be able to see things from another angle, grab or touch objects on his table in the front, work on his muscle strength, and just to do something different! Kale at this stage of 16 months old still plays with toys aimed for children at about 3 months of age. He plays with his play mat and goes in a bouncy chair that vibrates. If you would like to see this chair and its outrages price click here.
This is a fancy lawn chair.......Just kidding!! This is a bath seat. This seat helps Kale to not drown and get clean. Kids are famous for being very slippery when soapy, and when the arch, push back, and are absolutely no help because the cannot sit on there own, this seat can help keep our little ones safe. This seat provides very good trunk support and its mesh fabric would allow water to flow through. Plus I must say its the least scary looking piece of equipment out of the others! If you would like to see this seat on its website click here.
Swimming!! Just Like the bath, with little ones who don't move how they should its hard to help them by yourself. With the aide of a swim sweater, which is what you see above or.... a spring float which is what you see below!!
Doing pool therapy with the assistance of these floats are made possible. Very handy!!
These crayons are awesome for tiny hands! They are especially great for those children that like to turn there wrist outwards which would make holding a normal crayon impossible. I have gotten such wonderful pieces of art because of these crayons!!Click here to go see them online!
I'm looking into taking pictures of Kale's other equipment, such as his straps that go around his wrist and pull out his thumbs to encourage opening of his hand. Kale likes to do what is call fisting. This Handy little strap helps. Also I will show his walker, and much more to come!! Hope you enjoyed!!
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